Jaw Pain Therapy for TMJ Disorder


From the pain and discomfort of eating to daily headaches, an out-of-alignment jaw affects your day-to-day life. With Peak Dental’s jaw pain therapy, we can properly align your jaw so you can stop coping with chronic pain and enjoy a better quality of life.

Jaw Pain (TMJ) Health and Assessment

TMJ Assessment – We will check the health and condition of your temporomandibular joint and determine the severity of the misalignment. We listen, feel and observe the range of motion in your jaw to create a comprehensive treatment plan.

Dental X-ray – To examine your teeth and jaw, we’ll snap some X-rays to check out what’s happening on a deeper level. From here, we can recommend treatments.

Jaw Pain (TMJ) Treatment and Therapy

Pain Treatment – We will recommend what you can do to ease the discomfort, such as using pain killers, switching to softer foods, and/or applying ice or heat packs.

Muscle Exercises – We will recommend some exercises you can do to relieve pain and discomfort and also keep the muscles in and around the temporomandibular joint loose.

Night guards and orthotics - In many cases, the best treatment for temporomandibular joint problems is to use a night guard or orthotic to help position the jaw in a physically better position. This will decrease inflammation and help to heal the jaw-joint.

If you are experiencing jaw pain, we encourage you to call our dental clinic in Lethbridge, Canada today. Our team of Lethbridge dentists can provide you with the treatment you need to get relief from your TMJ disorder. We offer a variety of services that can help improve your quality of life, so don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Book Your Jaw Pain Assessment Today